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3 Tips for Spring Decluttering

3 Tips for Spring Decluttering cleaning service in Plano, TX

Do you have any idea how to go about decluttering your home this spring? Spring is a time for new births and new conceptions. It’s a good time to clear out the old and make way for the new. We are excited to share 3 tips for spring decluttering your home. Just follow these simple tips, and you’ll be on your way to a clutter-free space! Here is a list of some of our tips. Keep reading to learn more!

1) Purge Your Closet

If you’re like most people, your wardrobe is probably full of clothes that you never wear. In fact, according to a current study, the average person only wears 20% of the clothing in their closet! There must be something in there to get rid of! Purge your closet – get rid of any clothes you haven’t worn in the past year.

Now only will it clear up some much-needed space in your closet, but it will also make getting dressed in the morning easier. And who knows, you might even find a few hidden gems that you forgot you had! So what are you waiting for? Purge your closet today!

2) Declutter Your Countertops and Surfaces

If your countertops and surfaces are cluttered, your whole home can feel cramped and chaotic. Fortunately, decluttering these areas is a quick and easy way to make your space feel more open and inviting.

Start by extracting any items that are no longer needed or used. Then, sort the remaining things into categories to group similar items. Once you have decluttered your countertops and surfaces, take some time to clean them thoroughly. It will help to create a fresh, welcoming atmosphere in your home.

3) Organize Your Drawers – Group Like Items Together to Make Finding Things Easier

A well-organized drawer can make getting dressed in the morning a breeze. Instead of rummaging through a pile of clothes, you can grab what you need and be on your way. One simple way to organize your drawers is to group similar items together. For example, you could keep all of your socks in one drawer and your underwear in another. This way, you can easily find what you need without sorting through a bunch of different items.

Another helpful tip is to keep your bras in a separate drawer from the rest of your clothing. It will help to keep them from getting wrinkled or stretched out. By taking a few minutes to organize your drawers, you can save yourself time and frustration in the morning.

The Bottom Line

Spring is a wonderful time to declutter your home. It’s a great way to get a fresh start and can help you get organized for the year ahead. This post shared three tips for decluttering your house in preparation for spring. Follow these tips, and you’ll be ready to tackle any organizing project!

Could your home also use a deep clean this spring? Contact Dallas Sunrise Maids today to discuss your needs!

Life's too short to spend time cleaning your house.

Dallas Sunrise Maids takes the burden of cleaning off your shoulders so you can spend more time with those you love and pursue your passions guilt-free.

Mother and young daughter playing on couch that had cleaning service with Dallas Sunrise Maids in Plano, TX

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