Cleaning toilets is a regular and highly-important routine for your home. Having a clean toilet is critical to keeping your bathroom smelling fresh and looking good. Not to mention the fact that reducing the bacteria in your bathroom will keep you healthier, longer.
Cleaning a toilet is simple enough, and requires using a detergent mixed with the water in the toilet. Then you just need to brush the toilet and clean it thoroughly.
Using a detergent containing disinfectants can make the difference between cleaning and truly disinfecting your toilet. Add the best toilet cleaner of your choice to the bowl and let it soak while doing the rest of the cleaning. At the end, you’ll be left with a sparkling toilet bowl that’s squeaky clean.
Here are three tips from the experts on how to clean a toilet better:
1. Clean the Brush Canister
Remember the canister that holds your toilet brush? While cleaning your toilet regularly is important, so is cleaning that canister. If you clean a toilet with unclean tools, then your cleaning won’t be as effective.
Fill the canister with warm soapy water before you tip the brush into the toilet. This will let your brush disinfect before scrubbing, and you can empty the water in the canister into the toilet when you are done cleaning it.
Resist the urge to put a wet toilet brush in the brush container afterwards, as some manufacturers suggest. Rinse the toilet brush and add the brush to the holder when it is dry to keep it smelling fresh.
2. Clean the Tank
When cleaning toilets, the tank is often overlooked, which can lead to rust, mould and other dirt. A dirty toilet tank can lead to unpleasant bathroom smells, and if you have a damaged toilet it is best to clean the area at least once a year.
The tank is easy to forget about because we usually don’t need to go inside the tank unless the toilet begins malfunction. Like all things when it comes to your toilet, regular cleaning once or twice a year will go a long way to extending the life of your toilet.
Additionally, consider doing a deep clean of the tank using bleach. This will disinfect the toilet tank and ensure that the inside is protected from rust, mould, and other possible build up.
3. Don’t Forget the Rest
Your toilet has many more arts than just a tank and bowl. Make sure that when you clean your toilet, you take advantage of the time and clean more than just those two areas. For example, there are spaces around the bowl and below the seat that required regular cleaning.
Take a disinfectant spray and spray the entire outside of the toilet including the flat area where the seat connects, the back of the pedestal, and the underside of the seat. Bleaching is strong enough and ideal if you have brown spots on the bottom of a toilet bowl, but you can also clean with vinegar if you prefer a more natural solution, as its acidic character can help to soften and lift build-up on the bottom.
Enjoy your fresh-smelling sparkling toilet! Fill out the form below for more information!